Friday, January 30, 2015

Parent Reading Night

If you missed the fun, here's a glimpse. Join the fun next year!

The Cool Bird from the Thunderbirds Hockey Team paid us a visit.

Games in Mr. Martin's room.

Mrs. Kam holds Mrs. Rankin's son!

Mrs. Roberts and Clifford

Ms. Melanie and Ms. Kirsti from the Kent Fire Department read to some students.

More games in the Blue Suite

Second grade fun with their dads! Talking Seahawks, no doubt.

Mrs. Lewis and fans help pass out beverages and cookies.

The King County Library performs in our library.

Reading information

Book Swap

First grade art

RazKids in the Computer Lab

Kindergarten Flashlight Reading

Thursday, January 29, 2015

STAT: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Assembly

Mr. Ficken introduces the team of actors for our play entitiled STAT which is a true story.

The monthly Navigator Awards are handed out to the classes who earned the awards b Mr. Ficken and Mrs. Albenese.

Congratulations to our Navigator Award Winners: Act Safely, Show Respect, Be Responsible.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Estimating - It's a Skill

Here we are learning to estimate - or guesstimate as we sometimes like to call it, as an educated guess.

Learning how to estimate is an important skill in math, so we need to practice. Right?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Holiday Party - Holiday Trees

That crazy Mr. Martin is my holiday twin. 

Each student station is waiting for its creations. 

For our holiday party, we made a forest of holiday trees.

Thank you to the families who contributed to the stash of decorating items.