Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Multicultural Night

Setting up for the food tables.

There were over 350+ people in attendance!

Mancala table.

Make a paper kimo wearing origami doll table.

Korean custom attire

Mrs. Rankin, third grade teacher, plays Mancala.

Mrs. Kimes, third grade teacher, assists with the Mancala players.

Kindergarten multicultural dolls.

Thanksgiving bracelet and PTSA Membership Drive table.

Mrs. Roberts, second grade teacher, manning the PTSA Membership Drive table.

Vietnamese traditional attire

Two parts of the Adamson Trio who performed.

Ms. Dalpay, kindergarten teacher, helps Mrs. Roberts.

Ms. Keyes, our Educational Assistant, performs a hula.

Miss Yokobe, second grade teacher, helps at the craft table.

Bodies at Work team performs.

Korean Fan Dance.

The Adamson Trio

South Pacific Island Dancers

Silent Night

Ms. Deal, first grade teacher, and professional flutist, plays for us.

Mr. Colwell, our Media Specialist and Mr. Abernethy, our Music Specialist, perform for us.

The "mosh pit" spontaneously forms during the Two Handsome Musicians performance.

Ms. Buchwald, fifth grade teacher, takes some great shots.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Bat Unit Projects

Just look at these wonderful projects!

Principal Ficken made a stop in to Room 206 to compliment our students for their good work!

You can learn a lot about bats from these students. Click on each picture and read for yourself!

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Kingdom of Measurement

If you memorize this icon, you will forever be able to compare capacity measurements.
Ask your child to tell you the story about The Kingdom of Measurement. This is our way to learn about capacity for liquids. In case you want to read the story, here it is.
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Measurement, there lived King Gallon who had four Queens (Quarts). Each queen had two Princesses (Pints). Each princess had twin Children (Cups). Each of those children, or twins, were 8 years old (8 ounces). They all lived happily ever after. The End.

Thursday, November 20, 2014