Monday, December 15, 2014

Recycle Assembly

In today's assembly, we learned about recycling.

We learned about how important it is to take care of our planet Earth.

In our classrooms we can reuse paper before we recycle the paper. That means using both sides.

Many of the items that end up in the garbage dump can be recycled to save Mother Earth?

We also learned how long garbage stays in the landfills. Did you know that Styrofoam stays in the landfills/dumps F.O.R.E.V.E.R? 

These natural resources need to be protected with recycling: trees, oil, metal and water.

Ajani was selected to help out in the assembly!

Go, Ajani!

Way to represent Room 206!

Here is the life cycle of a piece of paper!

One piece of paper uses up many natural resources and poisonous gases are emitted in the process. So, if we recycle, we don't have to make so much paper which saves Mother Earth.
The red dots represent air pollution/poisonous gases being sent into our air.

Here's what we can do to help Mother Earth. YES, YOU!

Please remember to think before you throw anything away. Can it be put into the Yard Waste/Compost Bin or the Recycling Bin? If so, DO IT! Recycle when you can!

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