Tuesday, February 24, 2015

If I Were Stuck in a Snow Globe!

We did some art today based on this book by Jane O'Connor.

First, I took their pictures in a pose that they would use if they were stuck in a snow globe. 

Then I downloaded the pictures from school to be printed at the store (Rite Aid) for pick-up service which cost 15 cents a print.

 Next, students traced a plastic plate (I bought from Party City) onto a piece of white paper. Then they cut the white circle out and tore it in two. Next they glued the white paper writing form "If I were stuck in a snow globe..." onto the blue paper and traced the clear plate to keep the alignment right. After that, they cut themselves out of the picture and glued themselves down on blue paper. 

Finally, they went to see Mr. Domingo to have him help them hot glue their paper plate down onto the blue paper, after pouring some Epsom salt (I bought at Safeway) and glitter onto their paper to act as snow. Voila! Ready to hang after it dried.

What would YOU do if you were stuck in a snow globe?

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