Monday, February 2, 2015

Seahawks Pride

Building up to the Super Bowl IXIL, we wore these necklaces each Blue Friday. Then we took them home for good luck during the game yesterday.

This is a serious Seahawks 12th Man.

Each Blue Friday, I brought in something special. First week, the necklaces. The second week the cupcakes.
The third week, temporary tattoos and Feed the Beast Skittles for the big game.

We sat in a 12s formation for good luck.

We wore our 12s colors proudly!

It was Sports Spirit Day, so there a few "others" in the picture!

And then there are these two...

Yay! Huskies!

We've got spirit, yes we do!

We will be waiting for the 2015-2016 Seahawks Season.

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