Friday, April 3, 2015

Kent Parks Planting Day

The entire second grade listened to a presentation by Kent Parks Victoria regarding planting our Vine Maples and the benefits of planting trees and bushes for our environment.

Victoria also taught us how to take care of our new "babies," and when to plant them in October - on Halloween! Leave your babies in their pots until Halloween and then plant them in the ground, so they have more space to grow.

She taught us how to use our "tool" - our first finger - to figure out when we should water our plants. If the soil is still moist when we stick our finger in the soil, we do not need to water the plant.

This is what the root systems look like... this goes in the soil.

And this is what the plants look like above the soil line.

Off to plant our babies.

These are the gentlemen who helped us plant our babies.

A big thank you to Victoria and the crew from Kent Parks Department for their time and materials. We love learning about ways we can enrich the Mother Earth.

And here are our babies. We all named our babies.

Just look at these goof balls! Can they really be trusted to be nurturing parents? ;)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun experience!! Thanks for sharing.
