Friday, April 3, 2015

Watering and Measuring

We needed to water our babies because we know they need the following elements to survive and thrive: water, space, oxygen, sunlight and nutrients.

Most of the time, Mother Nature provides the water with the rain. Sometimes, Mother Nature provides many days of sunshine without rain, so we have to provide the water.

Mother Nature provides sunshine every single day. The plants use the sunshine to create their own food. Additionally, the roots pull nutrients from the soil.

Here is the "before" shot. We will provide an "after" shot in a few weeks before we take the babies home to nurture and observe - like the real scientists we are.

The power of observation is one of a scientists best characteristics and job requirements.

Another job we must perform as scientists is measuring growth.

We worked in partners to get this job done well.

Here is our class plant. It is 40 cm tall at the start. Let's watch it grow and thrive.

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