Monday, October 27, 2014

Bat Lady Barb Visits

These products are the affects of bats! Bats are pollinators, so they help us with vanilla beans, chewing gum, cashew nuts, bananas, and pain relievers. 

Barb shows us a vampire bat model.

This is a puppet of a very small microbat called a Little Brown bat which lives in our part of the world.

Bats like to hang upside down unless they are going to the bathroom or giving birth.

Barb has a fabulous slide show. Here is a vampire bat.

Here is a slide projector. This is what a slide show was prior to digital slide shows. 

Here is Robato. He is a Little Brown bat that Barb cares for in her home.

This is Cleobatra. She is a Hoary Bat. Hoary means she looks like she has a dusting of powder on her fur.

A bumblebee bat is the world's smallest bat. A Flying Fox is the world's largest bat.

A big thanks to Barb for coming to see us and sharing her program with us. We learned that bats are our friends.

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