Saturday, October 11, 2014

Navigator Academy

The first two days of school, we have Navigator Academy.

This is Principal Ficken teaching us how to behavior like Navigators in the bathrooms.
Act Safely
Show Respect
Be Responsible

Go. Flush. Wash. Leave.

Zero voices as our voices carry in the echoing bathroom walls which would disturb classes.

Here is Ms. Keyes showing us how to behave like Navigators in the hallways.

Eyes are forward. Zero talking. Feet and hands to ourselves.

Mrs. Albanese teaches us how to behave like Navigators in the lunchroom.

The street light tells us the talking level in the lunchroom.
Red = no talking
Yellow = 1 voice
Green = 2 voice

Mrs. Lewis tells us how to behave like Navigators on the playground.

Thank you for behaving the Navigator Way so that we can all
Act Safely
Show Respect
Be Responsible
while we are at school learning!

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