Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kent Fire Department

They're here! There HERE!
The Kent Fire Department came to speak to us about fire safety during Fire Prevention Month.

Here is Ms. Kirsti.

Pretending to be sleeping and the fire alarm goes off in the night.

Crawl to the door to prevent inhaling smoke - a poisonous gas.

Feel the door with the BACK of your hand before touching the doorknob to prevent getting burned by a hot doorknob.

Open the door to peak into the home. If it's safe, run to the "meeting place."

The meeting place is typically the mailbox for most families.

If after opening the door, you see that it is unsafe to go through the home to escape, use a window.

Crawl out the window. You may have to push the bug screen out of the way.

Run to the meeting place.

Call 911 from a neighbor's house. Or use a friend's cell phone.

This is the time to make sure you KNOW YOUR PHONE NUMBER for a parent.
You should also know your ADDRESS! If you don't, make this a priority to memorize.

If you have a second story home, you need an escape ladder.

If you are on the third floor, you must not jump out of the window. Instead make a "flag" to put into the window to alert the fire fighters where you are located in the home. A flag can be a coat, a sheet, a blanket, a flag. Anything that will show. Remember to shut the window the best you can after placing the flag in the window.

This is Ms. Melanie. She is calling 911 to report a fire.

Now Ms. Melanie is a firefighter coming to the rescue.

She taught us to make noise so that the fire fighters can find us in a building if we have to "shelter in place" when we can not get out of the building safely.

If our CLOTHING catches on fire, we need to STOP, DROP and ROLL. Don't forget to cover your face.

We got presents! Once the student has brought back FOUR pieces of homework, they receive a really cool, interactive pencil from the Kent Fire Department!
A big thank you to the Kent Fire Department for such a memorable visit. Thanks to Ms. Melanie and Ms. Kirsti for bringing such amazing props and presents! Our thank you cards are coming soon!

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